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Class photo 2010

Country Study

Country Study

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"...slippery lean sealion swiftly gliding along in the murky water," commented Zara.
"...colossal hippotomas opened his ignoramus mouth ," commented Olive.
"...cat like serval prowling through his own territory ,"commented Tom.
"...playful otter dancing gracfuiy in the water,"commented Louis.
"...amazing sealions glide through the merky water,"commented William.
"...long necked giraffe chomping like a shredder on leaves,"commented Jack.
"...prouncing spring boc jumping all around,"commented Olivia.
"...tanned Spring Bok frolcing around the shadowey mist,'' commented Tyler.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Poetry Competition

Team Clyde Poetry Competition

Recently we held the Clyde Team Poetry competition. Four students from each
of the four classes got to go through to the finals.
Our judge, Ms Rye, awarded places to four talented students - all four of them from Room 10!
3rd equal was Zara Cook and Mitchell Brennan, 2nd place was Brodie Kelly and 1st was Louis Donavan. Room 10 are so proud of the four who competed. Congratulations winners!!!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Steamers Visit

Lily won a colouring -in competition of the Steamers mascot, Steamie. This meant our whole class had a training session with four of the Steamers players. Thank you Lily as we wouldn't had the opportunity with out your art skills!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Memorable Learning Moments

I have learnt to breathe properly in swimming. Olive
I can draw all the parts of a line graph. Katia
Glass bottles are made from silica sand.-Brodie
To reduce my rubbish I can recycle, compost, and reuse stuff. Olivia
I can rainbow the pairs of addition and subtraction facts. Lily
I am getting better at adding 10 to a number. Baylee
I can recognise a chiton and a limpet in the rock pools. Tyler
Wetting my paintbrush before I paint helps me paint better. Tom
I am getting speedier at tower maths calculations. Mitchell
I have learnt to look for numbers on plastic to see if they can be recycled. Jack
I can tell by the size of the tail which crabs are female and which some male. Max R
I learnt how to write a statement about my line graphs. Jayden
Line graphs are drawn on the lines not in the spaces. Max H
Shrimps are fast swimmers. Eric

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I know all the parts of a graph - Louis
I can draw better faces - Zara.
I can rule 1cm borders - Matt.
A buddy can help me learn quicker - Jayden.
I now know humans are animals - Hirini.
All Living Things are either plants or animals - Carson.
I can now swim many more lengths than I could at my school in England -Astrid.
I can draw my hair so it looks real - Molly.
I can now make a Tally Chart - Jack.
I can make good actions for a class play - William.
I am putting my head in the right place for breathing in Swimming - Lara.